Your credit score can make a huge difference in various aspects of your life. From securing your dream job in the financial sector to buying your dream home, this three-digit number can be influen...Read More
More than 250,000 people come to live in Canada every year. Besides getting used to a new country and culture, an additional challenge can be to build a good credit history. Starting life afresh o...Read More
Buying your first car can be both a memorable and exciting experience. However, it can be overwhelming as well. What type of car do you want: an SUV or a sedan? What should your budget be? If youâ...Read More
A used car is ideal for first-time drivers—they are affordable and easy to drive! There are hundreds of dealers offering car loans in Halifax, which means choosing the right company offering Mar...Read More
There are plenty of options for people looking for good and bad-credit car loans. You can approach either a bank or a credit union, but both of these lenders come with their respective catches. Fo...Read More
A car is a necessity as much as it is a luxury in Halifax. Without a car, it’s impossible to either get around or stay employed. No wonder vehicle expenses account for a major part of household ...Read More
UPDATE 17.12.16: Thanks to everyone who participated! Find out who won here. That’s it and GOOD LUCK! We will announce our winners on Saturday, December 17th, 2016. THE FINE PRINT. The ...Read More
People migrating to Canada soon realize that it’s nearly impossible to make important purchases without good credit history – whether you’re looking to buy a car, a cell phone, or even renti...Read More
Establishing a credit history is one of the top priorities for all newcomers in Canada. A zero-credit history can be a huge roadblock for immigrants looking for the most basic of things like renti...Read More
When buying a new vehicle, it helps to understand your requirements and the credit responsibilities related to such a huge investment. Here are a few points that will help you understand the loan ...Read More